Masonic Education
1st Manhattan District -
Book of the Month Reading Club - Suggestions
Book selection has been chosen by
R:.W:. Bro. Jeffery Sealy, Grand Sword Bearer/Staff Officer, First Manhattan District, Grand Lodge State of New York
December 2023
The author discusses the legend of Grand Master Hiram Abif. The master builder of the edifice known as King Solomon's Temple, Grand Master Hiram symbolizes order, beauty, virtue, and morality. He also holds long-guarded secrets of life passed down by his predecessors. The lessons explained in the book will profoundly impact your personal, domestic, professional, and spiritual lives.
October 2023
The Meaning of Masonry is dived deep within this book. The author explores the meaning and symbolism that underlie the Masonic rites, ceremonies, lodges, jewels, and more. If you’re ready to delve deeper into your Masonic education and journey of self-discovery.
September 2023
This book establishes the link between the Masonic ritual and the practice of Alchemy, including the symbolic “Blue Lodge” ritual. It is a thought-provoking book that leads to further light in Masonry.
April 2023
The prime object of re-establishing this book's significance regarding Freemasonry 50 years ago after the original copy was published is to be beneficial and inspiring to those who may read it.
March 2023
This book highlights 365 inspirational quotations and meditations that encourage brothers to consider deeply what it means to be a Freemason and contemplate the actual teachings of the Craft. The author provides hindsight into daily advancement in Masonic knowledge and principles.
February 2023
The authors analyze Freemasonry based on brotherhood and camaraderie. The in-depth analysis explores Masonic conflicts with Christianity in addition to oaths and secret teachings in Masonry. The book is reasonable and logical, so brothers should have an open mind.
January 2023
This is real Initiation: Becoming: At-one-ment." "There are thousands of Masons, who realize that Masonry contains and implies far more than appears in the ritual and ceremonies of the Lodge. There is a very widespread and growing interest in this direction, and it is this that Mystic Masonry, above all else, is designed to foster, encourage, and help."
December 2022
“Solomon's Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C.” for this Masonic Book of Month edition. By Bro Christopher Hodapp.
This book discusses the birth of a revolutionary new republic and the utopian ideals of a visionary secret society that laid the foundation for the most powerful men on earth. The book follows George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and other Founding Fathers as they transform the democratic principles of their Masonic lodges into a radical nation. The book focuses on masonic connections to national monuments, puzzling pentagrams and symbolism in city streets, and the mysterious temples of the “Widow’s Sons.”
November 2022
In this book, the author and founder of the Imperial Society discusses the connections between Masonry and Africa, the origins of the initiation of Africans into Masonry, Africans, and the concordant bodies and historical figures' relationship with Masonry.
October 2022
The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus” for this Masonic Book of Month edition by Bros. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.
This book discusses the origins of Jesus and the Jerusalem church. It also compares stories of early rituals with modern Freemasonry. The authors also dive into the masonic pillar Hiram Abif and his connection to western history.